You know how you can get super grounded, clear, and calm in your yoga and meditation… only to blow your top with that irritating coworker or with your partner when they’re late again for date night?

Yeah, me too! It can be really hard to hold onto that clarity and calm when things get stressful or when other people get crazy. As Ram Dass so astutely pointed out, “If you think you’re enlightened, go spend a week with your family.”

So think of T-Group 2.0 as The Yoga of Everyday Life or The Yoga of Relationship. It’s a way for us to bring the practices of presence, discipline, and kindness right into the messiness of communication and relationship with other humans.

Sometimes it’s sublime. The qualities of mindfulness, authenticity, and vulnerability can bring about such deep and authentic connection that folks at T-Group often say, “How is it that I feel more connected to these strangers than I do with many of the people in my actual life?”

But it can also be challenging in the very same way that our relationships with our friends, partners, children, and colleagues can be challenging. T-Group isn’t a contrived exercise, it doesn’t mimic real life - because it is real life. Whatever comes up for you here is the same stuff that comes up out there.

Other human beings will always be an endless mystery, but the good news is that we can all dramatically improve our capacity to relate - with Practice.


There are three ways to plug into T-Group 2.0 @ Practice


The Sunday Night Gatherings

This is the weekly meeting of the Bay Area T-Group Community, which has been going strong for over two years


The Wednesday Classes

These classes are included with membership @ Practice, and are accessible to anyone with a class package or just a drop in as well


Intensives & Workshops

Check out the Events & Workshops calendar to find things like Day-Long Intensives, T-Group Speed Dating, Movement T-Group and more!


let’s get real

T-Group is an opportunity to step outside the norms of polite conversation and drop into something more deep and real. It's a laboratory where you can make discoveries about how you habitually show up with others, and experiment with new ways of being and relating. It's a living mirror that can offer real-time feedback and reflection about the impact you have on the world.


This practice will deepen your self-awareness, because it's only when you see yourself more clearly that you can begin to make new choices and generate new experiences. It will invite you into greater levels of transparency than most of us are accustomed to, revealing the connective and healing powers of authenticity, vulnerability, and intimacy. And it will teach you new ways to work with the obstacles to connection, equipping you to navigate differences, conflict, and your own triggers with both heart and skill.

Finally, this practice also teaches us how to transform a collection of separate individuals into a truly cohesive, synergistic group that is greater than the sum of its parts. It is a place where we come together to learn how to re-weave the fabric of our human community in a way that honors and includes all our differences and diversity. And in so doing, we wind up co-creating the experience of belonging to something larger than ourselves, which is something we need now more than ever.


Learn with Crystallin

Crystallin’s obsession with T-Group began in 2012, when she stumbled upon the Sunday Night Gatherings in Boulder, Colorado. It was such a potent arena for her own healing and growth and she has devoted herself ever since to refining the process and making it as widely accessible as possible. She founded the Bay Area T-Group Community over two years ago over out of her living room and bedroom (thanks to the patience and generosity of her slightly confused but highly supportive housemates).